A sure sign that August has arrived?…. The brimming road-side vegetable stands! The bounty is here, tomatoes of every kind, sweet corn, squash, peppers, etc. Time to really savor the true flavors of summer. Is anything quite as rewarding as cooking with produce from your own garden? My tomato plants started out a bit shaky with all the rain we had in June here in the northeast. However, by mid-July they were really starting to thrive. My kitchen potager isn’t very large but just being able to go out and snip some fresh herbs and collect a few fresh vegetables is hugely rewarding! Ah August, it can either be the ‘beginning of the end’, or the most rewarding month of the summer. Time for state fairs and getting in the last of those weekend getaways. Get a good book and out on that hammock, summer is in full swing and the best is here to enjoy.