Cranberry Relish

I’ve been making this recipe since I was a teenager – it has always been a favorite.  What makes it even better?  You can make it days in advance, because actually the longer it sits, the better it gets!  What could be easier – one less thing to worry about on Thanksgiving day.

2 bags of fresh cranberries, washed and drained.

Place in a food processor with the knife blade and process until the cranberries are roughly chopped.   Continue to process, adding 1 – 1 1/2 cups sugar (I give the room for a little more, because some like it sweeter, and other prefer the cranberries more tart.  Use your discretion here.  (If your not sure, go with the lesser amount, more can always be add later).  Process until completely ground and the cranberries resemble a lumpy applesauce.

Transfer to a bowl and stir in 1/2 cup raisins and 1/2 cup chopped walnuts.

Allow to sit at least overnight for flavors to blend and the raisins to plump up.