I woke up this Monday morning to an extremely blustery winterscape,……and school closings. Seems fitting enough – February. While many of us are starting to grow weary of winter, try to remind yourself of how much fun it was back in December! Sorry, I know, winter can be long here in the northeast, but somehow when February comes along it seems as though we are that much closer to the end. It’s a good time to pull out the flower catalogues and dream of gardening plans, and projects. Nonetheless, dreaming aside, the reality is that we are still here in February. This month I will show you some projects for bringing a little brightness into your home, some more great cold weather recipes, and naturally some charming Valentines tabletop inspirations. Now I’ve got to get to the kitchen and whip up some fudgy brownies and cocoa for the kids who will inevitably wear out the hinges on the garage door with the constant in and out to enjoy the snow………..maybe I should introduce them to the shovel…….