Making Florals

Right about at this time of year….every year……I feel like my home needs a little ‘pick-me-up’, so I get inspired to bring some floral color into my décor.  These florals were made with silk flowers and containers purchased at a local craft store.  The key with silk florals is to choose those that are most life-like in color and texture.  These do tend to cost a little more but the end result is worth it.  Start with a container that appeals to you.  Fill the interior with a block of styrofoam cut to fit tightly.  Cover the foam with dried moss or spaghnum moss. Press the stems firmly and deeply into the styrofoam.  Cut the stems with wire cutters to different lengths.  Just because a flower comes on a 10″ stem does not mean that is how you have to use it!  Arrange however you feel inclined, keeping in mind again natural forms.  I like to add in vegetables such as the artichokes here, or perhaps turnips for interesting color.  Don’t forget to add the greens and leaves.  The arrangements above were created with the items shown on the table.