
In like a lion or lamb?  No argument there, for most of the US, it most assuredly has come in like a lion….roaring! By now many of us are counting down to what is sure to come.  The days are getting noticeably longer and those huge icecicles are beginning to drip.  The sun starts feeling warmer and each day brings us closer to April.  Maybe those huge piles of snow will start to shrink…a little. Either way, spring is on it’s way.  The beginning of the end.  How welcome it will be this year especially.  Even though many are still buried in a blanket of snow, this is a great time of year to start thinking of the garden. Starting seeds indoors can be especially rewarding. A little lift for those weary of the blank landscape outdoors.  Winter will come to an end for certain, and the snow will go away refreshing the aquifers and the land.  So for now, dream, plan, think ahead to greener days and for now enjoy the still coziness of March.  Brew a cup of tea, wrap up in a warm blanket and flip through the garden catalogs and remember that whether March goes out like a lamb or lion the end result will be the same, it will be over.