Growing grapes

A few years back I decided to plant some grapes.  I found the variety that grows best for my area, the Concord grape.  I’ve gone at this very experimentally since I’ve never grown grapes.  Seems easy enough……I thought.  I “planted” poles into the ground in a cement/stone mixture, added wires both at the top and bottom as well as diagonally for the plants to attach to as they grow.  Then I also attached a heavy gauge cable coming off the end poles secured into the ground with long galvanized nails (purchased at any hardware store, they are at least 10″ long).  This gives the poles added support as the grape vines grow and add extra weight to the structure.  Now the growing part.  I’ve had ups and downs.  Some have been plagued by insects and birds.  I did try another variety, the Canadice grape and had marginal success.  The Concord seems the most prolific in its growth and grape production.  I am still dealing with spots which can be caused by a variety of conditions ie: excess moisture, soil conditions and fungus.  I’m also still learning about the pruning process which should be done in March or April depending on your area. So in retrospect, growing grapes is a little more difficult than I expected, but regardless of my crop, they add a little bit of wine country charm to the yard and yes, my little hens love lounging under the vines as well!