I found this lovely little watercolor on Pinterest, (nestofposies-blog.com). I think it says all there needs to be said! I think everyone can relate to opening the windows after a long winter. The first wafting of fresh air through the house, the unavoidable first ‘SLAM!’ of one of the bedroom doors upstairs when a stiff breeze brazenly enters. Aaaahhhh, the smell, the feel, the joy, the warmth. Driving along a beautiful stretch of road one day, I saw a car pulled over, the trunk was open and spread out wide were all the necessities for a day of plein air painting. An elderly man sat on a make-shift stool, wearing a slouchy hat and a large shirt over a t-shirt, sleeves sloppily rolled-up. Easel before him, he sat quietly painting the beautiful view of the valley and farms below. I thought to myself, in our hurry up world, what a great way to just toss aside the chores and sieze the day. I encourage you in this beautiful season, when the earth re-awakens to try to grab a moment, hour, day to yourself. Take in the view. Open the windows.