So many things can be said for March…. The beginning to the end (of winter that is), the luck of the Irish, etc. While it is always nice to know we are that much closer to April, make no mistake, despite the rash of warm days we have been having, winter still has it’s icy grip on the northeast. This really is our final month of winter (even though we can easily entertain snow in April), for me it is always bittersweet. March is very much like August, hanging on to the last of those finest of days, knowing the end is inevitable before we have to embrace the next season. Our weekend warrior skiing days will come to an end and with that we say goodbye to our mountain friends until we meet again in November. We will hang up the skis and put away the snowshoes and begin to think about warmer weather pursuits. Whatever your definition of March, like time itself, it is fleeting.