May 2019
Welcome to May! As I write this, a bird is singing persistently outside. I know it is trying to attract it’s mate and start the endless life cycle. Nature at its’ finest. I love all the seasons, but something about those early mornings (if you’re a morning person, I suppose), the exuberant bird song and smell of the earth re-awakening makes me stop and take a deep breath and marvel at the yearly re-birth. It also makes me want to slow down time a bit. Take it all in. Spring, like Autumn, can be so fleeting. Blossom, so eagerly awaited, gone so quickly, yet always so appreciated. Life goes swiftly, I find myself saying this more and more often. Seems so cliché, but facts cannot be denied. My injury has forced me to slow down, and in some strange way, I am learning to embrace it. I am typically an over motivated personality – type A, but learning to accept what was dealt my way is another life re-set (again!! I’ve had several). And on we go, like the little bird singing outside my window, persistence and acceptance prevail. So, like myself, try to slow down here and there. Enjoy the simple beauty of a quiet moment, the rustle of the just emerged leaves in a gentle breeze and the simple song of a little bird.