I think it’s unanimous to say that January flew by. And here we are into the second month of the year. I know many are wishing for spring, but were I live that is still several months away. At this point in the season, though, I love to bring color back into the house and fortunately that can be done with fresh flowers. This year I’m trying my hand at forcing bulbs, something I’ve never done before. We shall see how they turn out, but for now, it’s just satisfying to see something grow. What’s in store for this month? For me, more organizing and taking stock of what is important in my life. On my Instagram account, I’ve started weekly series that I call #selfcaresunday, where I’ll share all things that I regard as self care. All too often I think we forget to put ourselves first. It’s so important to be mentally and physically rested before we can take care of others in our lives. Let this month be a month for rest and selfcare. Winter may be here for awhile in the northeast, but before you know it, our thoughts will be turning in earnest to spring. Happy February friends!