Perhaps I’m a little behind on this post, as for me, the holiday season really includes my favorite of all – Thanksgiving. I believe that starting a season off with gratitude and a celebration of simple gathering is the best way to grasp that special spirit that embodies this time of year. Our tree always goes up the day after Thanksgiving. A tradition we started so many years ago. Its such a fun weekend, since all my children are home and the house is bustling with activity. Traditions are the root of the festivities at our home, starting with decorating the gingerbread houses, trimming the tree, making my annual pot of turkey soup, playing Christmas music, etc. The list goes on and my family wouldn’t have it any other way! There will be more, of course, as the month progresses and we creep closer to the big day. Each year these days move along quicker and quicker. Gone is that childlike feeling of time being at a crawl. With so much to enjoy and accomplish we can get a little lost in that bustle. My advice to you is to try to savor all the moments, even the mundane. Each one becomes a moment in time that adds up with all the others to create that vision in our memories of another holiday that could slip by all too quickly. My wishes to you for peace and the feeling of love and kinship all through this glorious season.