March 2021

After a particularly brutal February, weather-wise, March has finally made it’s welcome appearance. March feels like turning a corner. It may not be spring-like for several week here in the northeast, but at least we can start the countdown! I experimented with forcing crocus bulbs (you may have seen this in a prior post), and could not be more pleased with the results. You can see above, they are a happy little sight in my kitchen window and paired along with other growing bulbs, such as my ranuculus and some fresh potted herbs, it creates a little spring vignette that lifts my spirits every day! I’ve still been busy organizing spaces inside my house and preparing for the outdoor season ahead. Since I know once that comes, indoors will take the back seat. Be sure to look for my hands-down favorite Irish Soda Bread recipe to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and also check back to The Hive Shop. I’ve been adding lots of fun and new items. March is here, lets start to celebrate all things spring, even if it is still indoors.