August 2019

Wow, August already! I hate to admit it, but I’m never a big fan of August. Too many signals make it feel like the beginning to the end, and the ever dreaded words, “back to school”!! So here I’m pledging that I’m going to ignore it and enjoy every last bit of summer. I started a challenge to try to take more time to myself. I’m a do-er and always feel the need to be busy. I’m learning to let go of that mentality. Every day should afford time to relax, enjoy some quiet or whatever it is that makes you happy.
In other blog news updates, I’m thrilled to announce that I’m now an affiliate with RewardStyle, also known as another top notch shopping site for all things fashion and home. I have some homework to do to get it up and running. Stay tuned! In the meantime if you don’t have the app, download it now to see what they’re all about. Enjoy August my friends!