It’s currently mid March as I enter this blog post, as of yesterday, a Nor’easter came through and left us with several feet of snow. So to write the phrase “spring” feels a little out of sorts to say the least. Despite all that, while spring is certainly well underway in other parts of the country, we in the northeast will be patient. Our turn will come, even if that means we will have to wait at least another full month. That’s ok, we are used to it. As I always say, we may have long winters, but that’s why we own the book, so to speak, on the most glorious autumns! The other day we ‘sprung ahead’ with the clocks, making evident the change in seasons with the longer afternoon sunlight that shines once again strongly into my kitchen. Filling it with a fresh glow and brightness only associated with this time of year. So for now, I’m just enjoying the beautiful give and take as the seasons struggle to give up one for the other. With all that said, I am decorating my home with fresh touches. Tulips like the ones above and fresh spring blooms brighten the corners of my home. I also start to put together the spring to-do list of chores that will need attention once the snow retreats. And naturally, I am thinking of the potager and what I’d like to plant other than the mainstay of tomatoes and fresh herbs. Spring will come in it’s good old time and when it does, I’ll be ready to say hello but at the same time I’ll be wistfully waving goodbye to a winter of memories and beauty. Enjoy all the moments my friends.