
It is usually said that “April showers bring May flowers”. I don’t know how true that is in every area, but one thing that is certain is that May flowers are a welcome sight!  Those of us winter weary are glad to see an abundance of color once again.  The greenhouses and nurseries are brimming with colorful blooms, hanging baskets, bedding and vegetable plants.  I know it makes me excited to get planting even though I know it can be risky here in the northeast.  Even with the longer and warmer days, there is always the chance of a frost and the general rule is to not plant until after Memorial Day.  But, I can’t resist and plant anyway.  Look for updates on my little brood of hens, some great warm weather recipes and other spring ideas.  Enjoy this last of the spring months as we are gently escorted into summer!


Out on my walk this morning, I couldn’t help but notice the noisy clamor of the starlings.  They’re back and for me that is one of the true signs of the change of seasons.  They gather in large droves in the trees and happily whistle and chirp into a deafening crescendo then suddenly take off in a large black mass of fluttering wings for another location and start all over again. The spring ritual, finding a mate and settling down to raise a family, repeated in nature over and over again, as old as time itself!  Fresh starts and new beginnings.  April, the word alone feels sunny, and brings with it the promise of warmer weather and bulbs poking through the still moist, cool earth.  This is the month to prepare.  Prepare for the warm days ahead.  Time to pull out the to-do list, tackle the winter repairs and plan the spring projects.  Throw open the windows and let the spring air in, April is here.

ps – The story of my baby bunnies will be in the ‘garden’ section.

Me time..

Although you may be chief of operations in the home, and working outside of it as well, it is imperative to carve out ‘me-time’ in every day. Impossible you say – not so. If you’re like me you tend to put everything ahead of your own needs, yes I am guilty of this. But I don’t need a lot of time to myself to regain my peace. In the summer, I love to wander my gardens, glass of wine in hand at the end of the day, just before dinner. It only takes about 15 minutes, but it gives me such peace. Calming, centering. In the winter it can be a cup of tea and leafing through a favorite magazine, again not a huge chunk of time, after all there is a load of laundry to be folded. But just enough to exit mentally from the tasks at hand and be thankful. Whatever it is that helps you to take a breath for a moment, savor the calm, take your ‘ohm’ moment. Gratitude for yourself, your family, your home.


In like a lion or lamb?  No argument there, for most of the US, it most assuredly has come in like a lion….roaring! By now many of us are counting down to what is sure to come.  The days are getting noticeably longer and those huge icecicles are beginning to drip.  The sun starts feeling warmer and each day brings us closer to April.  Maybe those huge piles of snow will start to shrink…a little. Either way, spring is on it’s way.  The beginning of the end.  How welcome it will be this year especially.  Even though many are still buried in a blanket of snow, this is a great time of year to start thinking of the garden. Starting seeds indoors can be especially rewarding. A little lift for those weary of the blank landscape outdoors.  Winter will come to an end for certain, and the snow will go away refreshing the aquifers and the land.  So for now, dream, plan, think ahead to greener days and for now enjoy the still coziness of March.  Brew a cup of tea, wrap up in a warm blanket and flip through the garden catalogs and remember that whether March goes out like a lamb or lion the end result will be the same, it will be over.

“Hope springs eternal..”

By now you’ve probably figured that we are a skiing family.  We are in deep, all my kids ski competitively and as crazy as weekends can be getting from this mountain to that, it’s safe to say that we all really enjoy the ski life.  For us, winter is as fast as summer and here in the northeast that can be relatively quick.  That being said, every now and then I like to slip away from the crowds and go snowshoeing.  I can’t say enough about this ‘sport’ (not sure it is one), but the benefits are multi-fold, exercise for the body and centering for the soul, plus a healthy dose of fresh air.  When I snowshoe alone, the sound of the crunch of the cleats on the snow keeps me company.  A rhythmic timing to my steady climb up the mountain.  The tranquil scenery and the quiet give me time to enjoy the peacefulness of the winter and get a little lost in my thoughts.  Winter truly is the only season where you can go outside and there is absolutely no yard work to be done – revel in that!  The days can be long and cold for sure, but take that time to be grateful for the slower pace, each day brings us one closer to spring.  It has never been known not to come.


I woke up this Monday morning to an extremely blustery winterscape,……and school closings. Seems fitting enough  – February.  While many of us are starting to grow weary of winter, try to remind yourself of how much fun it was back in December!  Sorry, I know, winter can be long here in the northeast, but somehow when February comes along it seems as though we are that much closer to the end.  It’s a good time to pull out the flower catalogues and dream of gardening plans, and projects.  Nonetheless, dreaming aside, the reality is that we are still here in February.  This month I will show you some projects for bringing a little brightness into your home, some more great cold weather recipes, and naturally some charming Valentines tabletop inspirations.  Now I’ve got to get to the kitchen and whip up some fudgy brownies and cocoa for the kids who will inevitably wear out the hinges on the garage door with the constant in and out to enjoy the snow………..maybe I should introduce them to the shovel…….

January 2015

The busy hub of the holidays is over. Bittersweet. As much as we all love the anticipation of the holidays, they can be truly exhausting. Enter the quiet of wintry January.  Here in the northeast, we settle into a much more subdued pace, covered in a soft blanket of white, while nature around us sleeps. Some of us head outside for so many various winter sports and activities, and there really isn’t anything that quite rivals wrapping your hands around that much deserved cup of hot chocolate! The month for review, in our homes and our lives. Look for organizing and de-cluttering tips as well as recipes and ideas that are perfect for this time of the year. The time to reflect and nurture your need for comfort and warmth.  Cozy up with a cup of tea and enter January.


The pumpkins and gourds have all been put away and the turkey leftovers are but a fond memory.  It’s time to get out the wreaths, and colorful sparkling holiday decor, fluff the guest room pillows in anticipation of family and visitors, polish the silver and fill the wood bin, the time has come once again, to welcome December!  “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” sings Andy Williams, and I think most of us, especially children, would agree.  December is magical, no matter where you live.  However, between holiday parties, gift shopping, decorating and baking it can feel a bit hectic.  I have my own policies when it comes to the craziness – I don’t give in!  Look for my tips on how to truly enjoy this month.  I will share with you my tips for decorating, entertaining and how to slow down and savor the beauty of the season.  So, put that “Merry Christmas Charlie Brown” DVD in the player, and whip up a hot chocolate, December is here!

Just a thought…

Everyone that knows me well, knows that I have experienced a great tragedy in my life.  And I am certain that there are many of you out there that have as well.  But, as difficult as it may seem at the time, some good is wrought from every situation.  Easy enough to say now, many years later.  I did come to peace and decided not to let that sorrow define me.  In retrospect, I can see how that experience has led me to become the person I am today.   I feel strongly about this thing I call “Home”.  “Children grow so quickly”, I’d heard it a thousand times, but now that most of mine are young adults, and it does pretty much happen overnight, I find myself looking back with fond thoughts.  I know when you are knee deep in things to do, then the dryer quits and the phone rings with the school calling to come pick up a sick child, it feels as though those are very long days.  But in a few very short years, your out of the woods and your children become more and more independent.  What am I trying to say you ask?  Make the most of your present time.  Mindfulness, used to be the buzz word – live in the moment.  Make your home the happiest, a warm safe place to come to at the end of the school day – or your day.  Make the effort to create memories, no matter how simple.  Think back to when you were a child, some of the most ordinary things probably became fond memories.  There are no do-overs, when it comes to raising children.  No matter what size or where your home is, give it your best, I promise you, the rewards will be great.


The Jack-O-Lanterns and the witches have been put away.  The costumes have been stored for maybe another use – or donation.  The candy – well, the candy probably still lingers.  October is officially over and November is here.  Signaled by unbelieveably early holiday commercials!  Regardless, I have to admit, ‘early’ is the buzz-word for my holiday motto.  I am a firm believer in getting tasks taken care of before the onslought of official holiday craziness.  This way I truly enjoy the season and have time for last minute parties and entertaining.  But, I’m getting ahead of myself.  November the forebearer of winter to come.  For sure the gardens have been put away and the last of the leaves has fallen.  This is a great month for putting away all things out-doors and truly moving inside.  There is a certain satisfaction in the feeling that all is in its place and now we can focus on the warmth of the indoors.  This month I will be sharing some of my entertaining tips, especially with Thanksgiving soon to come.  There will be more home-style recipes, a craft project or two and as usual advice on organizing and breathing some calm into the busy season ahead.  I always love to hear back from my readers and I am now on twitter and pinterest as well.  Enoy reading and enjoy November.